With major projects coming up quickly in just about every "emerging" neighborhood in the city but ours (see Minnesota-Benning, Skyland, and Rhode Island Station, to name a few), I'm really, really (really!) looking forward to things moving along at Walter Reed.
There are four town meetings scheduled over the next couple of months, at which residents of the surrounding neighborhoods will be encouraged to give their opinions on how the land will best be utilized. Meeting dates/times are:
Wednesday, June 9 at 7pm (focus of this meeing is to gather community ideas)
Saturday, July 10 at 10am (for the community to review the 'redevelopment alternatives')
Thursday, Aug. 5 at 7pm (for the community to comment on 'prefered options')
Thursday, Oct. 7 at 7pm (for the presentation of the final plans)
The meetings will be held at MWR Conference Center, Delano Hall, Suite 2-120. (Delano Hall is the long building near 16th St. that backs on Aspen Street) From the Elder St entrance go left in front of the parking garage/new hospital and follow the main road past the old hospital and around the fountain.
It's very important that these meetings have a strong turnout. Please register here.